On Saturday, June 27, 2009, the Philadelphia Athletics Historical Society will honor 8 living former players from the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League (AAGPBL) at the Days Inn at 245 Easton Rd (Route 611) in Horsham, PA from 10am-1pm. Come and meet the women that inspired the movie "A League of Their Own" and hear their stories of playing baseball in the 1940's and 50's.
Attendees will include the following players:
Gert Alderfer
Gloria Cordes
Ruth Kramer
Mary Moore
Joanne McComb
Ruth Richard
Sarah Jane Sands
Norma Whitney
Special Show Autograph Price - $5 each
Mail Order Prices:
Your item $6 + Proper return postage
Our photo $10
Our Special 34 inch ring BAT $ $25
Our items please add s&h $6.00
For more information on the appearance, please contact the Philadelphia Athletics Historical Society or call 800-318-0483.
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